Safety by "Innovative Technology and Management"

Cyber Safety by "Innovative Technology and Management"


Attacks By Cyber Insurgents

1.December 23, 2010.  Futuregroup’s was  shut down. Complaint lodged.  23 Dec 2010
2. Mid-December, 2010 . Targeted attack on  corporate infrastructure probably originating from China. Resulted in  in the theft of intellectual property from Google. Primary goal of the attackers was accessing the Gmail accounts of Chinese human rights activists.
3.  09 Dec 2010. Cyber attacks on global companies(VISA, Paypal, Master Card)  seen as enemies of WikiLeaks.Dutch police arrested a 16-year-old boy suspected in attacks on credit card sites of Visa and MasterCard. Reuters 09 Dec 2010
4. Friday, Dec 3 2010, Pakistani cyber attackers hacked CBI website and left a note saying "Pakistan Zindabad". Aim was retaliation by  Hackers  in response to a cyber attack by Indians on Pakistan websites. – OneIndianews 04 Dec 2010
5. 14 Oct 2010, The official website of Indore police was hacked. Aim and reason unknown.- OneIndianews 15Oct 2010
6.     The Oil Spill: Accident or Cyber Attack?- Excellent article by  Greg Guma, Tuesday, 11 May 2010
7.  During Kargil,  the army's website  was temporarily   disrupted    by suspected pakistani intelligence operators

State  Sponsored Attacks

Stuxnet computer worm  which targets industrial systems  is  widely believed to be a state attack on Iran's nuclear programme.  A joint US-Israeli effort and tested at Israel's Dimona nuclear plant. A sign of increasing militarization of cyberspace. – IBNlive 17 Jan 2011

Cyber attacks against Estonia in 2007 and Georgia during its conflict with Russia in 2008 – IBNLive 10 Dec 2010.